Indira Gandhi College


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               Indra Gandhi College, Boitamari located in the heart of Boitamari touched by NH-31, in one of the Colleges in Assam. It has been started on 31st Dec. 1995. The foundation stone was laid down by the Honourable Cheif Minister Hiteswar Saikia on 10th Sept. 1995. The College came into existance under the leadership of some local persons and the then M.L.A. Sri Chandan Kumar Sarkar of Abhayapuri South L.A.C. it is on that very day of lying foundation stone the M.L.A. declared to provide 7,00,000/-(Seven Lacs) to the College. The people of the entire area Moligaon, Salbari,Dhakanabari,Bamunilam, Dhantola, Jolakhata, Raghunandanpur, Barkhata, Kasharpara,Amguri, Bashbari, Dwenwangaon, Dhalagaon, Rashigaon, Bidyapur, Bahalpur, Mulagaon, Khagarpur, Talguri, Panchagaon and other adjoining areas, though wer economically poor, contributed liberally to turn the dream of the college into reality. The nameof the College came after the name of the Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi, who had taken initiative steps to turn India into a prosperous one. The College is situated in the North Salmara Sub-Division of Bongaigaon District. The natural beauty of the College is very charming for the river Tunia and Bhairav Chura Hill behind it.

              The College was started as single faculty Arts Degree College Affiliated to Guwahati University, Guwahati. At preasent, it has within the preview of provincialisation of the Assam Govt. The College has attained broader dimension in the area of higher education. A host og highly qualified and dedicated teachers have benn imparting knowledge to the students using modern methods and techniques.

Since the day of establishment, the College had to face many ups and downs, yet due to ceaseless efforts of the College authority with the active co-operation of teaching and non-teaching Staff and that of the students community and the public of the locality, it has attained the present position

At present, the halmarks of the college are regular classes, good results, periodic evalution, strict discipline and the relationship of the teachers and students.