Indira Gandhi College


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College Library


Monday to Friday : 10.00 AM To 4.00 PM
Saturday : 10.00 AM To 1.00 PM
Sunday : Closed


Library is one of the most vital parts of an academic institution. Our college maintains a well stocked library with a collection of about 14,000 copies of texts, references and general books. Besides a number of Journals, Periodicals and Newspapers are subscribed regularly and kept in the library for the use of students and staff. The library has provided an attached reading room for students and teachers.


Each student is issued two library cards from which he/she can borrow one book against card. Students should return the books within 15 days from the date of issue. If anybody fails to return the books in time, he/she will have to pay a fine of 50 paisa per day up to 15 days and thereafter Rs. 1.00 per day. A student will be personally responsible for the loss or damage of any book borrowed. Students must abide by the rules and regulations of the library for the greater interest of the college.


Librarian : Vacant
Library Asstt. : Sri Khanindra Nath, B.A.
Library Bearer : Gita Rani Ray

Poor Aid Fund

There is a poor aid fund to help  a limited number of students coming of downtrodden and needy families of the locality, raised by the G.B. and volunatary contribution of the teachers of this college, for purchasing Text Books, Uniform or paying examination fee