Welcome to Indira gandhi college, Boitamari
Indira gandhi college was established on the 10th of September, 1995 at Boitamari in the District of Bongaigaon, Assam. The deserted site where the college stands today, spreads over an area of more than 20 acres of land amid charming greenish surroundings. The birth of the college was the result of the untiring effort of some eminent social workers, intellectual and educationists.
The college is located in heart of Boitamari touched by HN-31, is one of the Colleges in Assam. Indira gandhi college, affiliated to Guahati University offers 3 years semester system degree courses in Arts. Since inception, the college has been working hard for spreading higher education among the masses of the Socio-Eco-Edu-culturally backward areas. In its twenty eight years of existence, the college reached the present status.
Principal Message
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Indira gandhi college, Boitamari, Bongaigaon, which was established on 10th Sept. 1995 with Arts Stream. The College which is situated in a historically important place in the district of Bongaigaon became a growth the institute in the district with the financial and physical help of the common people living in the vast radius of Boitamari sub division. The people of the surrounding areas become very enthusiastic to make their dreams come true. Those who thought they would never be able to see their children blessed with higher education become confident that their bad days in the field of education were over since when the college came to life.

OUR VISIONIndira gandhi college sets its mission to make itself a centre of academic excellence in the field of higher education. ❖ To equip the students with the changing trend, priorities and demand of the society. ❖ To impart need based, value based quality education to materialize the concept Human Resource”. ❖To make the institution a service centre to provide all possible guidance and counseling about the enhancing trend and prospect in different academic and co- curricular fields. ❖ To harness the talent of the youth for the development of the area by infusing the spirit of social obligation and national responsibility. ❖ To bear the moral obligation towards all round development of society. ❖ To develop a dynamic mechanism in the college for spreading its extension activities and other services and also to create consciousness among different sections of people on various important issues like Environmental, Women Empowerment, Rural Development, Human Rights and Social Evils. ❖ To make the college a repository of cultural heritage of various ethnic groups and the surrounding people which will act as linkages of national integration.
OUR MISSIONThe vision of the college is to provide facilities for holistic development of the students belonging mostly from backward areas of the region where it stands. The College’s destined end is to provide opportunity to access higher and quality education so as to build a strong nation by preparing the students to develop their potential so that they grow intellectually throughout their career equipped with best possible tools for their work and can make good impact on the society and its well-being.
GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS1. Students shall abide by the rules and regulations of the college as may be prescribed by the college authority. 2. Students must pay all the dues at the time of admission. Part payment will not be accepted. 3. Any kinds of ragging or teasing of student in the college campus are strictly prohibited. Strong disciplinary actions will be taken if anyone is found to be involved directly or indirectly in ragging. 4. Students will require at least 75 percent of attendance in each subject during each semester. Otherwise no student will be allowed to appear in sessional /final examination. 5. Wearing of college uniform is compulsory during college hours on all working days. 6. Students should park their vehicle only in the allotted place of parking. 7. Students must possess the college identity card. 8. Use of any kind of intoxicants or smoking in the college campus is strictly prohibited and punishable. 9. No student is allowed to move here and there or sit on the verandah during class hours and they must not do anything which may cause disturb teaching in the classroom. 10. No notice or leaflet can be circulated anywhere in the college premises without the approval of the Principal. 11. The courses of study in the college are full time course. No student can take any other course at another institution at the same time. 12. Overall power for enforcement and maintenance of discipline are vested with the Principal and his decision will be final in all such matters.
MIGRATIONStudents from boards or council or universities other than AHSEC will have to produce Migration Certificate at the time of admission.
Notice & Updates
B.A. 1ST Sem Online Admission 2023-24 is start’s from 14th JUNE23.
B.A. 5th Sem Online Admission 2022 is start’s from today.
B.A. 1st Sem Online Admission 2022 is start’s from today.

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Indira gandhi college, Boitamari, Bongaigaon, which was established on 10th Sept. 1995 with Arts Stream. The College which is situated in a historically important place in the district of Bongaigaon became a growth the institute in the district with the financial and physical help of the common people living in the vast radius of Boitamari sub division. The people of the surrounding areas become very enthusiastic to make their dreams come true. Those who thought they would never be able to see their children blessed with higher education become confident that their bad days in the field of education were over since when the college came to life.
We see ourselves as a forward looking educational institution with the relevant experience to match.
More than 28 Years
of Experience
We work with ambitious leaders who want their future to be successful and help them achieve extraordinary outcomes.